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Peaceful Demonstrations in Mekelle Continue for Third Day as Part of “Ya’akel” Movement


Mekelle, January 15 — The third consecutive day of peaceful demonstrations continues in Romanat Square, Mekelle, with widespread participation from local residents and various social groups. The demonstration is part of the “Ya’akel” or “Enough is Enough” international mass movement launched by Tsilal Civil Society of Western Tigray.

Since the Pretoria summit, residents of Western Tigray have mobilized to highlight the suffering endured due to prolonged displacement and hardship. The peaceful protests aim to amplify the voices of those affected and push for solutions to their grievances. The civil society group emphasized the importance of inclusive representation, calling for the involvement of all segments of Tigrayan society, including civic associations, youth, women, religious institutions, and members of the diaspora.

They insist that recovery efforts and consultation agendas prioritize the needs of displaced and bereaved communities, ensuring their voices are heard clearly and powerfully. As the demonstration approaches its conclusion, key activities include delivering messages of solidarity, submitting detailed documentation and calling for attention at the Tigray Interim Administration and TPLF headquarters, and engaging international organizations such as UN OCHA, IOM, UN Women, UNFPA, FAO, and WFP.

The movement also aims to raise global awareness through these engagements, amplifying calls for justice and recovery on an international scale. The peaceful demonstration stands as a testament to the resilience and determination of the people of Western Tigray in their pursuit of peace and justice.