Home News Opposition Salsay Weyane #Tigray Demands End to Hostile Propaganda against Tigrayans

Opposition Salsay Weyane #Tigray Demands End to Hostile Propaganda against Tigrayans


Salsay Weyane Tigray has raised alarm over the resurgence of hate speech and propaganda targeting the Tigrayan community, contravening the principles outlined in the Pretoria Agreement.

In a weekly statement released earlier today, the party says “Recent broadcasts on state-media outlets have aired speeches inciting renewed hostilities against Tigrayans.”

“Additionally, statements collectively incriminating the entire Tigrayan population and opposing the return of displaced persons have been disseminated in the past weeks.” Statement reads.

In adherence to article 3 of the Pretoria Permanent Cessation of Hostilities Agreement “The Permanent Cessation of hostilities shall include the cessation of all forms of hostile propaganda, rhetoric, and hate speech,” the agreement enforces.

Salsay Weyane calls on the federal government to take action and prevent media under its control from engaging in activities that undermine the peace process.

The statement also appeals to the international community to closely monitor these developments, as they pose a significant threat to the region’s stability and could potentially lead to a “relapse to hostility.”