Home News ADP slams Federal government’s “failure to implement” Peace deal

ADP slams Federal government’s “failure to implement” Peace deal


July 21, 2023 Mekelle (Tigrai Television)
In a statement released today, Assimba Democratic Party says #Ethiopia Federal government is failing to implement the Pretoria agreement.

ADP expressed discontent to learn the violation of the constitution by Ethiopian Ministry of Health in a recent report that compiles Tigrian districts under Amhara Regional State.

The statement regards the action taken by the Ministry of Health as “irresponsible act that violates the constitution” putting the ongoing peace process at stake.

ADP strongly urges Ministry of Health to immediately correct the violations, and officially apologize to the people of Tigrai.

The party calls on the Federal government to take proper and corrective measures against the leadership of Ministry of Health, and immediately amend the constitutional violations frequently committed by both MIinistry of Health and Ministry of Education.