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Discussion on establishing Advisory Council being held in Mekelle


Nov 03, 2023 Mekelle (Tigrai-Television) A discussion on the establishment of an advisory council, as proposed by Tigray IRA, is being held in Mekelle today.

The advisory council is expected to include Civic Society organizations, former combatants, members of GSTS, Cabinet members of the IRA and members of the former state council.

In his opening remarks during the launching of the discussion, President of the IRA GetachewReda said the establishment of the advisory council will help to narrow the gaps observed in the process of establishing an inclusive interim regional administration and he expects will bring political solidarity among Tigrains all over the world.

The president says the vacuum that occurred due to absence of elected stated council necessitates the formation of the advisory council.Getachew said doing this will also enable those involved in the IRA and for others who are not included in the interim administration to forward their ideas they believe is crucial in creating a better Tigray.

He also stated his expectations that the advisory council will help the executive organ in its endeavors to build democratic institutions, Media and independent judiciary.
