November 2, 2023, Mekelle (Tigrai Television) In a statement released on the occasion of one year anniversary of the Pretoria Agreement, TPLF says the people of Tigrai continue to suffer terribly due to the failure in implementing Pretoria agreement.TPLF asserts that the peace accord has come up with comparative peace as it silenced the guns and paved a way for the resumption of basic services.However, says the Party, the people of Tigrai at large continue to suffer terribly due to the failure in fully implementing the peace agreement.As a result, silent death persists due to the extreme hunger, states the party.
“Millions of people in Tigrai are scattered everywhere looking for shelter in camps, and those under invading forces are forced to change their identity, while those in IDP camps are dying of hunger” TPLF highlights on the statement. The party says it is implementing its expectations properly while denouncing the federal government’s failure to act accordingly.
“Invading forces were supposed to withdraw from Tigrai, but they haven’t been withdrawn.” TPLF noted. TPLF urges the federal government, the AU, the US, the EU, IGAD, the international Media and Rights’ organizations to maintain the progress achieved through the Pretoria Agreement and strive for undertaking their moral and legal obligations to ensure the full implementation of the agreement.TPLF reiterates its call for the federal government to strive for the full implementation of the Pretoria agreement and free the constitutionally recognized Tigrain territories from invading forces.
It also asked the federal government to return the IDPs to their homes and reinstate TPLF’s legal personality immediately. The party says the denial and the delay of the party’s reinstatement is unconstitutional and violates the terms of agreement in the Pretoria peace deal that it says was signed while the whole world watching.TPLF says declining its legal personality directly endangers the term of the IRA that was formed months ago according to the agreement.Recognizing the commitment of the international community in bringing the issue of Tigrai to attention on the UN Security Council General assembly frequently, the party on the other side slams the failure to extend the mandate of the ICHREE that was meant to facilitate independent investigation and reveal credible findings on the ground.TPLF believes this is not an exemplary precedent as it paves the way for the extension of further genocide.
TPLF reiterated its commitment to strengthening peaceful struggle for the proper and full implementation of the agreement. Highlighting the ongoing agony on Tigray’s soil, the party calls for the international community and humanitarian agencies to double their efforts in accelerating the reconstruction and healing of Tigrai.
TPLF demands provision of humanitarian assistance to the people to prevent the worst humanitarian crisis unveiling in Tigrai, ensuring accountability and succeed the proper implementation of the Pretoria Agreement. Last year, exactly on this day, the TPLF and the Ethiopian Federal government signed a permanent cessation of hostilities agreement in Pretoria South Africa to end the bloody war in Tigray that broke out on Nov 4, 2020.