Home news IDPs Shouldn’t Be Doubly Punished

IDPs Shouldn’t Be Doubly Punished


Mekelle, Tigrai, Apr. 24 (Tigrai Television)- Director for European Commission Humanitarian Aid (ECHO) for Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Latin America and Pacific Andrea Koulaimah says the international community and other stakeholders should work to make sure IDPs in Tigrai are not doubly punished.

“First for being displaced, and then for not being able to return.”, She states.

She says this as she sits with some members of the Tigrai Interim Administration Cabinet this afternoon. The Cabinet members told Andrea and her delegation that returning IDPs is the “top priority” of the Administration.

Andrea Koulaimah says that all stakeholders should help the returning of IDPs and do something about it in the event of they are unable to return.

ECHO Director for Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Latin America and Pacific Andrea Koulaimah arrives in Mekelle this noon for two-day visit in the war-devastated Tigrai.

Director Andrea is accompanied by EU deputy head of delegation David Krivanek, and other ECHO colleagues.

The delegation is expected to travel to Adigrat, Eastern Zone of Tigrai in the afternoon. On the 25th, they will pay a visit to Shire, Northwestern Tigrai, to assess the situation of ECHO-funded projects and meet relevant stakeholders.

By Abel Tsgabu