Home Uncategorized IRA denounces #EHRC’s “irresponsible” report.

IRA denounces #EHRC’s “irresponsible” report.


OCT 26, (Tigrai-Television Mekelle) Tigrai Interim Regional Administration denounces Ethiopian Human Rights Commission’s second round report.

The administration called the report irresponsible.

The commission’s report says many of the IDPS displaced during the war are back home and receiving sufficient aid.

In its press statement this evening, the IRA underscored that the IDPs are still enduring immense suffering and the IRA is asking for their return on a daily basis contrary to the commission’s report.

The Administration slammed the report stressing that it is ‘’ a mockery and a continuation of its former attempts to prolong the suffering of the people of Tigray’’.

The IRA reiterated the report is a deliberate misrepresentation to mislead the international community hence totally unacceptable.

The administration also said no concrete action has been taken to resettle the IDPs.

In today’s counter-release, the IRA called on the federal government to take corrective measures for such ‘’reckless acts’’ done by its lower apparatus revealing its fear that it may endanger the hard-earned peace accord and deteriorate the level of trust between the signatories.

The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission, established by the federal government, has been repeatedly criticized for giving a deaf ear to the enormous reports of human rights violations since the onset of the war on Tigray and many parts of the country.
