Over 40 Tigrayan Civil Society Organizations including Omna Tigray & ACSOT call on African Commission of Human and Peoples’ Rights to reverse its decision to terminate the mandate of Commission of Inquiry into human rights violations in #Tigray.
In a letter issued this morning, the organization plead that the Commission continue investigating the human rights violations in Tigrai and publish a report with recommendations.
“We strongly urge the ACHPR to reconsider its decision and to allow the inquiry to continue. The victims of human rights abuses in Tigray deserve justice, and in line with its founding principles, the ACHPR has a responsibility to ensure that they get it.”, the organizations stated.
The African Commission for Human and Peoples’ Rights terminated the mandate of the Commission of Inquiry in January 2023 “to support, once established, the transitional justice process [in Ethiopia] which will allow the consolidation of peace and reconciliation in the country and, on the basis of the principle of responsibility, will help the victims to obtain reparation.”
However, the letter highlighted that Tigrayan cannot rely on Ethiopia-led human right monitors and other domestic justice mechanism in light of their direct participation in the war on Tigrai siding with the Ethiopian government and urged on the ACHPR to reverse its decision to terminate the mandate of its inquiry commission into the human rights violation in Tigrai.

Last week, 33 civil societies, and human rights organizations called on the African Commission for Human and Peoples’ Rights to reconsider its decision to end the mandate of Commission of Inquiry into the Situation in Tigray saying the decision “contradicts the rationale behind the establishment of the Commission of Inquiry and the core values underpinning the work of the African Commission as set out in the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights and the 2020 Rules of Procedure”..