Home News 65 % of Tigrayan fighters have disengaged from frontlines: Gen. Tadesse Werede

65 % of Tigrayan fighters have disengaged from frontlines: Gen. Tadesse Werede


Commander-in-Chief of the Tigrai Defense Forces Gen. Tadesse Werede says 65% of his forces have disengaged from battle frontlines. In a media briefing this afternoon, the General says complete disengagement will take place simultaneously with ensuring the safety and security of the people of Tigrai. We have a huge number of forces. 65 % of them have gone through this process. They withdrew on foot and by vehicle. Just because of the presence of spoilers and the troubles they are creating, we have left some element of our forces on the frontlines”. “When these threats are taken care of, we will be disengaging completely. We committed ourselves to implement the agreement.” He added.

The Commander-in-Chief also highlighted the atrocities that are being committed by Eritrean and Amhara forces and called on the Ethiopian National Defence Forces to ensure their withdrawal for these ongoing crimes to stop. The Gen. said “It is Ethiopian forces’ responsibility to withdraw Eritrean forces and Amhara regional forces. Both forces are committing horrific crimes against our people. The Ethiopian forces have also the responsibility to stop these ongoing atrocities.”

The General also stated that no monitoring mechanism has yet been put in place, but his forces are disengaging just because they are committed to the peace deal signed. “We have done things we have done because we are committed to the agreement we signed. Observers and other monitoring mechanisms mentioned in the agreement have not yet been entered. But we have to implement the agreement.” He underscored.

Asked about the recent meeting between higher military officials from both sides in Shire, the Commander-in-chief says the meeting on disarmament will take the peace process one step forward. General Tadesse noted disarmament will be carried out considering the safety and security of the people of Tigrai.

“The committee will prepare a plan of disarmament and execution plan. The plan will be all about the disarmament of light weapons. The plan will not be ratified there though. This disarmament is not something that will be discussed exclusively. The safety and security of the people of Tigrai will be taken into consideration. I don’t have the information about when that will end. But the meeting has taken the implementation process one step forward. We were meeting in abroad. Now that we start meeting here, it is good. We will see the rest when they bring the report.he said.

Last week Tigrai military command said that the Tigrayan forces are disengaging from multiple frontlines such as Neblet, Maikinetal, Cherecher, Beri Teklay, Hugumburda, Zalambessa and Abergele.

Abel Tsgabu