Home news Demobilizations of Tigrian Forces to Launch this Afternoon

Demobilizations of Tigrian Forces to Launch this Afternoon


Mekelle, May 26, 2023 (Tigrai Televsion)- Demobilization of Tigrai Defense forces is to launch in #Quiha, Mekelle this afternoon.

According to the AU monitoring team, fighters from the Tigrian forces will be transferred to 11 designated sites starting from today May 26,2023.

Demobilization of Tigrian forces is part of the Peace agreement signed in Pretoria and Executive Plan signed in Nairobi between both parties.

Tigrai Defense forces have surrendered their crew-served weapons this morning in the presence of AU Monitoring, Verification and Compliance Mission in Lachi, a neighborhood in the outskirt of Mekelle.

By: Abel Tsgabu