Home news Over 1500 Tigrayan Prisoners Released from a Notorious Prison Camp in Mierab...

Over 1500 Tigrayan Prisoners Released from a Notorious Prison Camp in Mierab Abaya


Mekelle- April 8, 2023 (Tigrai Television) – More than 1500 Tigrayan members of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces released from a notorious prison camp in Mierab Abaya, Southern Ethiopia on Saturday morning.

These prisoners who were detained on the 13th of November 2020 were released after a six days meeting with high-ranking commanders from Ethiopian National Defense Forces.

On Friday, over 2000 prisoners at Gorbasa, military camp kilometers from Jigjiga, were freed after the same kinds of discussions for days. “We have sat for a harsh meeting for almost a week. But we didn’t get the chance to speak about the atrocities committed on us. We were being told that we betrayed the Army.” One of our sources said on telephone.

In December of last year Washington Post unfolded a story of a massacre carried out in Mierab Abaya that it said has taken the lives of 83 prisoners and the missing of several others.

In addition to Mierab Abaya’s, Ethiopian government detained more than 17,000 active and retired soldiers at Dedessa, Tatek, Wendo Tiqa, Tikur Wuha and other places after it waged war against Tigrai alongside its allies on 4 November 2020.

By Abel Tsgabu