Home news Tigrai Interim Administration cabinet discussing with Ethiopia’s Ministry of Finance

Tigrai Interim Administration cabinet discussing with Ethiopia’s Ministry of Finance


Mekelle, Apr 10, 2023 (Tigrai Television)- Discussion between Tigrai IRA cabinet and the Ministry of Finance underway in Mekelle, planet hotel.

According to Semerita Sewasw, State Minister to the Ministry, the discussion will focus on the reconstruction of infrastructures, returning of IDPs, and resuming medical service and schooling in the region.

Members of the cabinet asked the delegation to do their part to facilitate the quick release of the budget. “The federal government should work to avoid obstructions on the entry of medical supplies and other kinds of support, sent by international donors to the medical sector in Tigrai.” Dr. Amanuel Haile, Head of Tigrai Health Bureau said.

Major Gen. Zewdu Kiros, Head of the Bureau of Social Affairs and Rehabilitation on her part reminded the delegation that women and children were the main victims of the war and that they demand a huge amount of care.

State Minister Semerita Sewasw on her part said the Ministry of Finance will work to address the questions raised together with the newly established Interim Administration.

The discussion between the cabinet and the Ministry of Finance will proceed in the afternoon.

By Abel Tsigabu