Home news Tigrai Commemorating Martyrs

Tigrai Commemorating Martyrs


Mekelle, June 22 (Tigrai Television)- Martyrs’ Day is being celebrated in Tigrai for the 35th time today.

President Getachew Reda attended the celebration at Hawelti Semaetat’, a monument for Tigrian Martyrs, to lay wreath in the memory of the martyrs.

Other officials including former President Debretsion Gebremichael observed the ceremony.

Representatives of Tigrai opposition parties and residents of Mekelle have also joined for the celebration.

The day was designated as national holiday by the Tigrai Regional State Council in October of 1994.

The day is celebrated in the memory of 2500 innocent Tigrians who lost their lives shelled by Ethiopian military jets in a market place in Hawzen in June of 1988.

It’s to be recalled that, in a same day in 2021, Ethiopia’s Military jet hit a busy market in Togoga causing the death of 64 civilians and the injury of around 200 others.

This year’s martyrs’ day is being remembered demanding justice and recovery as compensation for those who outlived others while succumbing themselves to mortality.