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#Tigray Interim Administration established ‘taskforce’ to tackle locust infestation


In a statement issued late today by President office, Tigray Interim Regional Administration says it has established a task force to tackle locust infestation in the region.

The statement says the administration will allocate budget to support the fight against the spread of locust infestation in Tigray.

It also called upon the youth, the Tigrayan forces as well as the population in general to ready themselves for any call by the government in fighting the new wave of infestation.

On Friday, Tigray Agriculture Bureau told Tigrai Television in a phone call that new swarm locust infestation has erupted in Tigray.

The bureau said the flocks of locust came through Berahle and Dalul in Afar region and are currently at Atsbi, Eastern Tigray.

Many fear the locust infestation would trouble the already war-devastated agricultural system in Tigray.

Abel Tsgabu