Home news Over 50,000 Tigrayan fighters demobilized as part of peace agreement

Over 50,000 Tigrayan fighters demobilized as part of peace agreement


#Tigray Interim Administration Deputy Tadesse Werede(Gen.) says over 50,000 former fighters demobilized as part of the peace agreement.

In a presser today, Tadesse Werede, Deputy for the IRA & head of Cabinet Secretariat for Peace and Security, stated that the process is part of the Pretoria agreement and executive plan signed in Nairobi.

According to article 6 of the Pretoria peace agreement “demobilization and reintegration plan will consider the Tigray Region’s law-and-order needs”.

Gen Tadesse, however, says the reintegration process is being taken to gesture the commitment by Tigrayan side to the full implementation of the signed agreement.

Tigrayan forces begun to demobilize their fighters on May 26 preceded by the handing over of their crew-served weaponries to the Ethiopian National Defense Forces.

It’s also to be recalled the forces have surrendered their heavy weaponries in January of this year in a garrison in Agulae, Eastern Tigray.

By Abel Tsgabu